Indigenous Peoples Day 2024

Jerilyn DeCoteau (Turtle Mountain Chippewa) and Northern Arapaho elders Nelson White Eagle and Pat Moss at RRB’s 2019 Indigenous Peoples Day event.

(Logo designed by the American Indian Youth Leadership Institute) 

Indigenous Peoples Day 2024

Sponsored by Right Relationship Boulder and Creative Nations

Sunday, October 13, 2024

12:30-5:30 pm

Dairy Center for the Arts, Boulder

S C H E D U L E 

12:15     Doors open (Gordon Gamm Theater)

12:30    “Welcome”  — Jerilyn DeCoteau (Turtle Mountain Chippewa)

                                     — Christine Yoshinaga-Itano, Right Relationship Boulder 

12:50     Native American Flute, Steven Halsey-Williams (Standing Rock Sioux)

1:00      “How Colorado Land was Stolen from Native Nations: The Costs, the Consequences,

               and What We Can Do Now” 

               Rick Williams (Oglala Lakota/Northern Cheyenne), President, People of the Sacred


2:00       Break 

2:10      “How Cities and Tribes are Building New Relationships” 


               Fred Mosqueda, Arapaho Coordinator of the Language and Culture Program,

               Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes

               Dan Burke, Director, City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks Department


               Clina Longtime Sleeping, Northern Arapaho Nation 477 Biixoo3etiit’ Program

               Jennifer Diaz-Leon, Community Coordinator, Longmont Children, Youth, and Family


               Wolfstar Duran, Longmont Sister Cities Program


               Frank Medicinewater, Resource Specialist of the Language and Culture Department,

               Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes

               Dean Bennett, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Team, City and County of Broomfield 

               David Allison, History Coordinator, City and County of Broomfield 

3:10      Break             

3:20      “Demonstration of Indigenous Dances” — Rocky Mountain Indigenous Dancers

4:10       Break

4:20      “How Local Indigenous Organizations Strengthen Tribal Nations and Contribute to 

               our Community” 

               Benny Shendo, Jr. (Jemez Pueblo), Associate Vice Chancellor for Indian Affairs, 

               University of Colorado 

               Dr. Andy Cowell, University of Colorado’s Center for Indigenous and Native 

               American Studies

               Nikki Borchardt Campbell (Paiute Indian Tribe of Utah/Ute Indian Tribe), Executive

               Director, National American Indian Court Judge Association 

               Marty Strenczewilk (Ojibwe), Executive Director, Creative Nations                 

5:20      Closing – Jerilyn DeCoteau

Theme: Overlay by Kaira